Thursday, May 25, 2017

APHG Summer Preparation

APHG Students:

This upcoming school year you will be assigned an outside reading:  Dan Brown's Inferno.  It is in your best interest to go ahead and purchase this book prior to the start of class this fall.  You do not have to complete the book prior to the fall semester.  If you choose to go ahead and read the text on your own this summer that is fine.  However, you will be given appropriate time during the early portion of the semester to read the text.  We will have three quizzes over the material in the text (aggregated out by specified chapters) and the information will be included in an essay test during your second unit.

Here is the book you will need to purchase.  It is okay to purchase a digital copy if you prefer reading on a kindle, e-reader, etc.

Have a great summer,

Coach Ellis and Mrs. Moore

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 APHG Session 1.6 Use the following links to access the Geoinquiry #1 for today: Geoinquiry #1 Geoinquiry Responses