Thursday, January 25, 2018

New Dates for Unit 2...

The important dates for Unit 2 (Population and Migration) are:

1/26 - Inferno Quiz #2
1/29 - Unit 2 Vocab Due
2/6 - Inferno Quiz #3
2/8 - Unit 2 Vocab Quiz
2/9 - Unit 2 Multiple Choice and Essay Test

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Updated Testing Schedule due to Snow Day...

Due to school cancellation today, all of our dates will have to be moved back one day.  If school is cancelled again tomorrow (1/18) then the schedule will be pushed back an additional day.  To summarize the current schedule looks like the following:

1/18 - Inferno Quiz #1
1/19 - Unit 1 Test

If school is cancelled tomorrow (1/18), then the schedule will look like the following:

1/19 - Inferno Quiz #1
1/22 - Unit 1 Test

The biggest thing that students can be doing to benefit themselves currently is being proactive and completing the review guide (click here) that they received last week.  They also need to be reading ahead in Inferno because as of right now the other quiz dates have not been moved so they are responsible for reading through chapter 54 by January 23.

Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Globalization and its changing structure...

Image result for globalization

Read the following article and then answer the questions linked below dealing with globalization and its impact.  This will be for a daily work grade so make sure you answer with detail oriented responses.

Globalization Article Responses

Reminder:  Inferno Quiz #1 is tomorrow (Wednesday, January 17)... make sure you have read chapters 1-27.

Tuesday, January 9, 2018

1/9/17 update and assignments...

1. Unit 1 vocabulary is due tomorrow

2.  You need to enroll in ArcGIS.  Do the following:
-go to
-login (username = first name.lastname.hillgrovehs.... password = password1)
-change your password when prompted
-click on maps and complete all 3 tutorials on the left hand side

3.  New dates for Unit 1
-Vocab Quiz - 1/16/18
-Inferno Quiz #1 - 1/17/18
-Unit 1 Test - 1/18/18

Friday, January 5, 2018

Due Dates for Unit 1

1/10 - Unit 1 Vocab Due
1/12 - Unit 1 Vocab Quiz
1/16 - Inferno Quiz #1 (Chapters 1-27)
1/17 - Unit 1 Test

 APHG Session 1.6 Use the following links to access the Geoinquiry #1 for today: Geoinquiry #1 Geoinquiry Responses